Wednesday, August 10, 2016

US election: Trump blames media for 'gun threat' row

Republican Donald Trump has blamed the media after being accused of urging supporters to kill his Democratic rival for the White House, Hillary Clinton.

He told Fox News "dishonest" reporters had twisted his remarks, which appeared to suggest that gun rights advocates could stop Mrs Clinton if elected.
The businessman-turned-politician denied incitement and said he was exhorting his supporters to vote.

The comments on Tuesday afternoon sparked a firestorm of criticism.
Some interpreted his comments as a dark suggestion that gun owners could take up arms against Mrs Clinton, while others said they were at the very least irresponsible remarks that could have violent consequences.
The highest-ranked Republican, House Speaker Paul Ryan, said it was an inappropriate joke.
And Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren said it was a death threat by a "pathetic coward" who was sore because he was trailing in the polls to a woman.


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